Monday, March 17, 2008


Today 5:30pm Hit and I was enjoying throwing a football with my co-workers however 15 miles down the road my wife was physically escorting my three and a half year old son out of Kroger.

The Lowdown:

Apparently my son saw some well positioned toy and had to have it. When his hopes were dashed with a "no" he lost all functions, dropped to the floor, and screamed at some crazy pitch that resembled a tornado siren. My wife abandoned the grocery cart and thankfully a kind lady took my 1 year old daughter while my wife got the "chaos" out of the store. Two additional women rushed out of Kroger to encourage my wife (God Bless You Both). They claimed to have also experience the wrath of a three and a half year old.

P.S. To the poor stock boy that had to put up everything in the cart... my deepest apologies.


KTP said...

Oh Snap!

Anonymous said...

Weird. My name is Jonathan Carter too, but yet another one :)

Jamees said...

Haha this is great : )